Saturday, September 5, 2020

Leipzig Activity Continues

Continued rioting in Leipzig last night (Saturday).  Focus  and MDR provided some reporting on this. 

A group did request a permit for a demonstration for 500 people.  What occurred at some transformed into a protester versus police situation.  Fireworks were in the mix. 

The Leipzig chief of police (Schultze) is blaming "obvious left-wing extremists" (his words in quotes).

What one can say is that this all erupted originally when police were called in to push squatters out of an apartment building.

For the record, Leipzig is presently at 591k residents, with a growth pattern of around 5k to 10k per year.  Through the DDR years.....they were around 530k, and went into a downward spiral in the 1990s (people simply left)....going as low as 480k at one point.  Over the past decade, they've managed to sustain growth, and real estate pricing (even for apartments) has risen.

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