Friday, September 18, 2020

What was the FDJ in the 'Old Days'?

 Back as East Germany and West Germany existed.....this was a youth movement in the East Germany (DDR) region.  The German wording?  Freie Deutsche Jugend.

You'd probably describe in today's chatter as the 'young Democrats' or the 'young Republicans'.....but in the sense that they were fairly communist in nature.

Age levels?  You could join around age 14, and by age were 'graduated' out of the system.

At the peak (late 1980s), how many were in the organization?  Generally, it's discussed at 70-odd percent of those in the age group.  It wasn't mandatory....but there were a couple of benefits in the interest a person.

Did you just leave one organization for another?  Well...this is brought up....that the Thalmann Pioneers were the original group you'd join (ages 6 to 14).  

The benefit mix?  The state apparatus of DDR had rock concerts arranged for the FDJ, along with disco parties and festivals for young people.  You didn't get entry, unless you were in the 'club'.

The end spiral of the 'club'?  Well....once the Wall came down, the days were numbered for the FDJ in terms of influence.  Most folks say that they drifted down to around 150-odd members, and in some fashion....exist today as a anti-establishment vehicle.  They hype the old DDR ways....the Marxist chatter....and anti-capitalism. 

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