Sunday, September 20, 2020

Racism Study?

 The Minister of Interior for Germany (Seehofer, CDU)....has said on various occasions over the past month or two....he will not seek a 'study' of racism over German police.  

If you view public news (ARD or ZDF), there's been various calls by the politicians....that a complete study of racism with the police is necessary.  

In the last day or's curious what Seehofer did agree to.  He says the Interior Ministry will mount a study over racism now....however, it'll concern ALL Germans.

Where this is going to go?  Well....there are probably a dozen levels of racism, and by opening up this might just find that more than 95-percent of Germans practice some element of racism.  

You probably will discover that Turk-Germans are a bit racist in nature over Kurdish-Germans.  You might find that Greek-Germans are a bit racist over Turkish-Germans. You might find that Russian-Germans dislike African-Germans.  You might find that German-Germans (who've been around for 30-odd generations) have racist thoughts over German-German journalists.  

Opening up a Pandora's Box?  Oh my, yes.

Basically, it'll challenge the anti-police narrative, and start to focus politicians on various people around the country.  I doubt if there's a single corner of the country that you will be able to call racist-free.  

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