Wednesday, September 9, 2020

School Story

When the big 'shutdown' started in Germany in March (over Covid-19)....there were literally hundreds of issues, and most Germans simply had to live with the issues. 

This week, Citrix (the technology giant) completed a survey of 'westernized' countries and evaluated them on the situation of home-schooling during the crisis period. Focus did a brief story over this in the AM today.

Results?  Basically one German kid out of ten....had a successful home-school experience.  The other nine?  Issues existed that made learning at home more difficult. 

Almost half of German parents in the survey said that the school systems simply weren't prepared for the task required. 

Where it did work, the parents said that it was because they already had programs set up and had run these in the past.

Failures?  I suspect that parents had this big impression of their kids getting a ready-made system at the five-star level, and teachers were basically writing their whole lesson plan in a different way....finding out that certain things work via distance-learning, and certain things don't work.

Citrix going out to build a system to deliver and offering to sell it to the Germans?  It wouldn't surprise if you see them develop something over the next year and offer it as a package. 

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