Monday, October 18, 2021

Are the Extreme 'Greens' Frustrated With This Coalition-Building?

 In simple terms.....yes.

If you counted up the far-left members of the SPD, and the more extreme members of the Green Party....they were expecting a full-left tilt on this government, and the wish-list openly discussed throughout now cut and drifting.

Chief reason?  To build this had to bring in the FDP Party.  Once in the circle....they laid out the fundamental things they'd accept, and then isolated the talk for more extreme matters.

As one Green Party put it this weekend in a speech.....'it's like the FDP won the election'.

The attempt to bring in a speed limit to autobahns?  That idea was thrown out.  Tax increases?  That idea was thrown out.  

All of this building up to a division in the Green Party?  I would suggest that a good ten-percent of the Green members are not going to be 'happy-campers' for the next four years.  

Anyway to dump the FDP?  You could....but it'd mean a SPD-CDU-CSU government, and it appears that the SPD really doesn't want that type of situation to develop.  

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