Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Curious Suggestion

 Toward the end of last week....an accident occurred in Neukolln (a suburb of Berlin).  RBB (public TV from the area) speaks to the episode.

Basic facts?  On a late Friday night...a 19-year-old kid (German) rented/borrowed a 600-plus horsepower sports car.  There are differing views (via social media) if he just borrowed it, or rented it.

He made some turn at a high speed, and wrecked it.  Luckily, no one died, but several folks were taken to the hospital for injuries.

So the basic information came out to the political folks, and there's the city Justice Minister who says there needs to be a law to prevent 'novice' drivers from driving such sports cars.

How this would work?  Unknown. 

Where would you draw the line?  Special training for anyone (of any age) who intends to drive a 300 hp or more car?  

Why even limit it to 300 hp or more.....why not 200 hp, or anything above 100 hp?

Before Covid started up, in my local region....we had a guy (older guy) who went and bought a brand new Mercedes sports car (upwards to 300 hp).  He picked it in town (Wiesbaden) and was on the first drive....heading home (to my village on the far outskirts of town).  About 5 km into the trip....he whipped around some corner....hit something and ended up in a ditch.  Yeah, he totally destroyed the car....barely ten minutes in his hands.

Maybe this makes some sense, but I'd ask the question....who is going to conduct this training and how expensive will this be?  My humble guess is that it'd be a 8-hour class....conducted at some race-track in Germany, and a very small number of trainers involved in this.

To be honest....you might start this at 400 hp or more, but within a year or two....probably bring it down to 300 hp, and another year or two....drop it to 200 hp or more.  


Claudio said...

Why not leave it ad it is ? Why bother saving some person who is looking for a thrill?

Claudio said...

I never understood this willingness from western society to save all dimwits? Let the nature select the ones that are fit to survive.