Tuesday, October 19, 2021

What Really Drives the Pro-Cannabis Agenda in Germany?

 ARD (public TV, Channel One) did a update to this idea and there's one basic problem which the political parties are focused upon now.  

On the streets of Germany, whether the prosecutors or judges really want to discuss the matter.....is weed/cannabis being sold, with varying amounts of heroin being added.  In most cases, the user isn't aware of the additive, or has been told it's something else entirely.  

As the authorities point out....it's not much of a problem to develop an addiction at that point.

If you legalized marijuana....the 'stores' would clear up the mess with the additives.  

On the negative side of this discussion?  Well....anxiety and paranoid problems are known to increase....as you get into marijuana.  So if you did approve public sales....somewhere down the road in five years....some medical folks would start talking about more patients coming in and asking for help.  

So no matter how you view it....it's a lose-lose situation in the end.   

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