Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Covid Chatter

 For a number of weeks here in Germany, the general 'word' was that the folks who ended up in intensive care.....were mostly all the non-vax crowd.

Well...N-TV had an update this morning....talking over a Linke Party information request in the Bundestag.  

So from mid-August to early-September....out of 1,200 Germans who were sent into intensive care....119 were fully vaccinated.  Course, they don't give ages or previous health conditions.  Maybe the 119 number isn't that big of a deal.

Expecting the vaccination to be the 'Jesus-like dynamic'?  Well....if you were that way in believing the end-result.....you might have some problems.  

A few weeks ago, some commentator suggested that some people....having been vaccinated...were active again in a social life, and hanging out in bars, clubs, and pubs.  In his mind, they were inviting future problems....instead of shying away and holding yourself back from social life (like in 2020).  He might have a point.  

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