Thursday, October 21, 2021

New President of the Bundestag (An Unknown)

 The new pick (agreed upon by the SPD, Greens and FDP) for the job of President of the Bundestag....Bärbel Bas.

So here's the thing, this is mostly a job to direct the Bundestag daily business, and organize things to a degree.

Bas?  If you bring up her name in a group of a hundred Germans.....there might be one or two who've heard of her.  A total unknown to the rest of the nation.  

Her background?  Mostly as a health expert for the SPD Party.

A person without an Abi degree?  Yeah.  She's progressed and impressed people with her knowledge and attitude.  

Chief hobby? Motorcyclist.  Book reading?  Stephen King....not the classics.    

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