Sunday, December 19, 2021

E-Car Story

 This morning, I noticed this story from N-TV (commercial German news).  For several years, there's been hype over getting public E-Car charging stations out into the general public.  

Someone did a study and found that 60-percent of all German cities, towns and villages.....have zero charging stations.

I sat and considered my local area.

In my village (4k residents)....there's zero charging stations, and there's no one much clamoring to have a public station.  If you did buy a'd charge it off your garage or carport charger.

The nearest public charger?  About a 8-minute drive away.....there's a grocery store which has a public charger or two.  In Wiesbaden itself, I can identify around a dozen public chargers.  Most all sit idle whenever I drive past them.

Is it more expensive to use a public charger versus your carport charger?  Generally, the economic experts say you pay 25-to-40 percent more for the public charger business.  

Personally, I don't see the return on investment for these public chargers....not unless you were at some autobahn site,  and limited options.  

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