Friday, December 10, 2021

The Word Triage Around In The German News

 There's hardly a day where triage isn't uttered on the Covid issues.

So what does it really mean?  In medical have a doctor at the front door of your hospital, and a hundred folks surge toward the hospital.  The doctor assesses the hundred and looks at the capabilities of the organization, and 90 of the group gets entered with full-care.  Ten folks are assessed as having marginal chances of they get 'less' care.  

Admitting this in public?'s rather shocking to most Germans.

The fact that there's a limit on ICU beds and nurses?  That plays into the discussion as well.

Movement of patients around the community (to other hospitals), and even use of aircraft to move patients to other parts of the country?  That's now in the triage group as well.

When you go and view the video for news pieces.....what you generally see is an intensive care unit....several nurses trying to handle care for twenty-odd people in their group.  It's an exhausting business and after a 8-hour can understand how nurses get burned-out.  You also see the lesser care unit, where intensive actions are no longer required, but the patient is not physically up to leaving the hospital unit.  In this might see three nurses handling thirty-odd patients.  

So if you are around a German who is hyped-up on the term least you can understand the landscape and cause.  

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