Sunday, December 26, 2021

German Covid Chatter: 26 December 2021

 1.  The federal authorities for law enforcement (LKA) say that 11,000-plus Germans are now under investigation for having/buying a fake shot-record vaccination slip.  In talking about this.....they kinda hint that more people fall onto the list each day.  If you figure investigation time, court man-hours.....this will likely drag onto late-summer 2022.

2.  The Ministry of Interior has a FBI-like office and they were asked if they were counting lateral-thinkers (the anti-vax crowd in Germany).  Well....'no' was the response.  Between the anti-Covid folks and the conspiracy would amount to a tremendous amount of surveillance, and I seriously doubt that they have that kind of manpower or desire to dig into that many German's personal lives.  

How many would fall into these two groups (anti-Covid/lateral thinkers and the conspiracy folks)?  Anyone's guess but it'd probably go to 5-million easily.  

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