Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Two New Vaccines Shortly To Arrive

 Novavax and Valneva.

Both in the past month have been hyped in the German news media.  So the difference between these and the current vaccines?  Well....these two were designed in the method of traditional flu vaccines....meaning they use dead Covid cells.

Among the non-vax crowd.....there's more positive talk over the two, and the traditional methods of flu vaccines. So there's some feeling that maybe half of the non-vax folks would sign up for one of these two.

Approval?  Well.....Valneva (French company) is still testing and has yet to apply for EU approval.  Their 'hint' is that it's coming shortly (probably meaning in early 2022 when they ask for approval).  Production?  If you do the estimates with them....the product might be delivered by late spring 2022.

On Novavax?  US-company, and the chatter is that the EU will announce approval before the end of 2021.  Production would start....maybe delivery by mid-spring?  

The fact that you don't require the ultra-freezing that the current vaccines mandate?  Yeah...that might be a major selling point for both vaccines with private doctors.

Changing the vaccination rate?  It's simply chatter and no facts.  I might agree that from  the non-vax crowd....traditional flu vaccines haven't been a standing issue.  

So, go and expect around March of 2022....the hyped-up chatter of soon-to-arrive new vaccines and the government pushing them as much as possible.  

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