Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Problem With Protests/Demonstrations

 I grew in rural Alabama....in a farming community, and it wasn't until I'd joined the Air Force, then gone off to West Germany in 1978....that I witnessed my first demonstration.  

The first episode?  It was a early summer episode against the NPD (neo-Nazi group)...in Frankfurt.  There were probably a couple of these in the summer/fall of 1978.  

Over the years, I've personally seen anti-capitalist situations, anti-airport demonstrations, anti-fur protests, environmental protests, pro-migrant/immigrations demonstrations, anti-war parades, agricultural protests, and even a couple of salary protests.  

Watching from a distance, just as an observer....it's usually a 'send-a-message' and walking experience for folks....mostly (99-percent) peaceful.  

That's the general trend for these protests/demonstrations.....most start and end in some way as being 'peaceful'.  

Where you have the violence or physical attacks?

Out of a group of one-hundred attendees....most are just regular people out to 'send-a-message'.  But, from that group....there's probably three to five who are people 'consumed' by the passion of the moment and could easily get out of control.  I'd compare it to the crowd who attend a WWE-wrestling event....most can sit there, enjoying the 'action', and a handful actually want to participate in the 'action'.

If you stand and observe enough of the protest crowds...especially the anti-capitalists, there's various elements spread out in a protest with the assigned task of presenting violence (setting fires, assaulting the police, rock-throwing, etc).  Aggravators would be the term I'd use for them.  They usually ensure video-cameras are in the right place and capture the shots....which then are sent to news groups.  You see that in the US, and in Europe.

Once you grasp the aggravator point....the question is....who is sponsoring or running the protest?  Maybe the 99 out of the hundred believe this is a genuine protest situation, with no outside influence.....but the more you view this situation....the less trust you have that it's a pure righteousness situation.  

The guy making the speeches....the kid in the crowd who hypes folks in a certain pattern....the lady who is handing out placards to carry?  All have some agenda or sponsor tied to the situation.

In my heart, I still see these protests/demonstrations as having some minor benefit for society....it's their way to 'send-a-message'.  The problem is....whose message are we talking about?  

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