Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Smart Phone Numbers

 Back in the summer of 2020....someone sat down and figured up the number of smart-phone owners in Germany.  The current tally?  60.74 million users of smart-phones.  Population total? 83 million.  

So, are there actually 60.74 million people with smart-phones?  Well....no.  

If you went to business people (even my wife and her job as a import/export clerk).....she's required to have a office smart-phone.  All of the 15 employees in the business front of her company.....carry a personal smart-phone, and a business smart-phone.

On top of that....probably one German guy/gal out of every hundred.....has a second phone to communicate with his/her 'affair-friend'.  You know....the phone that the husband or wife doesn't know about and they keep hidden away.

Kids now with phones?  If you stood on the village bus at 7:15 AM....you'd come to note out of sixty kids on the bus....making its way into Wiesbaden......probably 90-percent of the kids over eight years old....have a smart-phone.  

My wife had a co-worker/associate who went all the way up to 2017....with no smart-phone.  Then one day....the boss mandated a phone, and he went to get the cheapest marginally functional flip-phone possible.  He could send messages or take calls.....nothing else. 

So if you gauge the numbers business (considering 83 million residents, and 80-percent of them over the age of fifteen).....I'd take a guess that around fifty-million actually have one smart-phone in their possession.  

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