Monday, January 3, 2022

Door Guard Story

 I had to go to a city-run operation (Wiesbaden) this morning, and like a number of things that have occurred since spring of 2020.....there's a door-guard ensure I meet the Covid rules of the day.

You don't just walk in.....nor do you show up without an appointment, unless this is a grocery or coffee shop.  

You can laugh about the 'guard' business, but it's standard policy now.

So here's the 99-percent of all's a Turkish or Middle-Eastern guy (Iraq, Syria, etc) that has on a guard-like shirt or some jacket that says 'security'.   It's like a union can only be a non-German.

Maybe in two-percent of's a Turkish female, but in the other's a male from that region.

The guy today?  He had to see my visa-card as part of the 'show' for the vaccination pass, and it's labeling me American, so he flipped over language-wise, and wanted to impress me with his English (it wasn't that bad).  

How many work around the city?  I would imagine around 300 guys now serve as security/door-guards.  For two months back in get into my local grocery, there was a guard there just to ensure not more than 50 folks were in the store at one time.  


M1-19k said...

Germany has fallen so far that it’s just time to move back to the US.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I would argue that it's become more 'entertaining'. At some point last summer, I noticed five or six teenies who were wearing 'security' type clothing, and it's apparently become some kind of fashion statement to wear t-shirts, hats or jackets with 'security' written on them. It wouldn't shock me to step off a bus and see 500 Germans walking around with 'security' hats/t-shirts on.

As for the door-guard syndrome...around all of Germany, it's probably at least 100,000 guys/gals working this angle. You can't have a local mini-fest these days, without employing at least twenty of these folks. There was some ice-rink in operation around Christmas time, which was set up as a controlled zone, and even they had door-guards protecting the zone.