Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Five German News Stories

 1.  ARD (public TV, Channel One) has created a 'portal' where you (the consumer) can write and suggest ideas.  Location here.

Now, what I will say from 20 minutes of browsing....a lot of the ideas have been around for 30 years.  Some people make a blunt statement that there are too many political folks appearing on TV, and it ought to be downsized.  Some people are suggesting a lack of non-ethnic German folks on TV shows, and there ought to be more ethnic TV shows.  

It is entertaining to some degree.

With the RBB scandal going on, it's possible that some radical moves will be forced upon public TV in Germany.

2.  Poll trending (reported by Focus).  CDU Party at the top with 26 percent, and at the bottom....the Linke Party with 4 percent.  The Greens are in second place with 25 percent.  The SPD at 18 percent.  The AfD at 11 percent.  The FDP at 7 percent.

Taking anything out of this?  Well....I think the serious downturn since the election (about a year ago) is for for the SPD.  

3.  N-TV (commercial news) had a shocker report on electrical prices this AM.  'Panic' is the chief word I'd use.

The electrical exchange is on a wild adventure at this point, and I think the public will be shocked in 2023 when they get their bills.

4.  The big German meeting in Canada with both the Chancellor and vice-Chancellor visiting?

It's mostly about getting a deal up with production of hydrogen (the blue stuff, not the green stuff).

If you gaze over the production of the green 'stuff'....the cost nature is way too much to make this a great investment.  The Canadians aim for the blue hydrogen, 

5.  Pictures on the government plane flying Scholz and Habeck to Canada.....without masks?  Well....what was said later, this was a German Air Force plane, and they have different rules than the commercial aircraft world.  

No one is really buying into this, and it's drawing a lot of questions.  

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