Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Susceptible Story

 Sabine Menkens wrote a great article piece via WELT this AM, and if you can find a copy of today's paper....it's worth a read.  Topic?  One in three young people (meaning in the 16 to 21 age group)....tend to observe conspiracy theories, and are susceptible.  

So this leads onto a second issue found in the study....four out of ten young people aren't trusting of people and their 'good intentions'. 

Social media issues?  I would personally say that half the problem lies in regular use in German society.

Skepticism building up?  You can walk around and find a lot of Germans....even those over the age of thirty....who have some element of skepticism going on in their judgement.

I'm not saying the article piece is a shocker, but it lays out the numbers which no one knew much about. 

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