Saturday, August 27, 2022

Reaching Limits Talk

 There's a great commentary piece via WELT (if you can find a copy at the news stand) today, written by Anne Schneider....entitled "Top Down Policy Gradually Reaching Its Limits".  I strongly recommend a read.

The basic hype?  

Across Germany now, there's a lot of guidance and 'chalk-talk' (lectures) by the political establishment for Germans to sacrifice for the 'greater good' of society.  Frankly, it's reaching a point where most people are fed up with the lectures.

I'm not saying it's chaotic or riot-potential...but it's to the point where people don't really want lectures via journalists or politicians any more.  In simple terms....they are going to the 'mute-button' and listening in silence.

Covid and the Ukraine-Russia war has simply been added to forty other hot topics and it's a burden to have enthusiasm for this lecture business. 

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