Sunday, August 21, 2022

The 70-percent Discount Story

 It came out in the past day or two in the RBB public TV scandal.....that the leased limo that the 'boss' of ARD had a lease through.....had this one funny detail.  

The leasing company offered a 70-percent off deal, as the contract was signed via RBB.

I sat and pondered over this.

At various times through the leasing (as a manager) might offer a 10-percent to 20-percent 'off' deal.  That's normal.

In the Washington DC area....I can remember an episode where a leased car was returned while still in the first quarter of the lease for some reason, and the second party came up to lease the vehicle....getting a 30-percent off deal. 

But 70-percent off?  It just never happens.

How did the RBB folks get this discount?  This would be worth telling. Course, there's probably some unethical situation involved.

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