Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Three Odd Things You Notice

 1.  Today is the last day for discount gas.  If you drive around, various stations have put cones or tape....telling the public they are out of fuel to sell.  I'm not saying it's a national crisis....but it's just an odd feature of German life, where you might spend an hour driving find one station with fuel to sell today.  The 30-Euro-cent discount ends at midnight.

2.  Updated German inflation rate reported this AM?  7.9-percent at this point in 2022. No matter where you go....the kino, the pubs, or the do a cost analysis of what it was a year ago.  

3.  The EU and German Economic 'political-bosses' for the national level business this AM....say that a levy-or-tax will exist for companies shortly, if they make excess profits.  Who will decide excess?  Well....they will (the politicians).  You can just sense....things will go south as some companies choose to lessen production and trigger a make a point about their production, and their profits.

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