Friday, August 19, 2022

Five German Stories

 1.  WELT went and did some analysis over heat-pumps (a new 'fad' in German housing and heating). 

So they concluded....for a normal house (120 sq meters)'d have to pay around 3,000 Euro for your electricity off the grid.  

It's a fairly big chunk of money.

2.  Ronaldo, the great soccer player from Portugal, is rumored to be on his way to BVB (Dortmund).  He's not happy in the UK because his team is not headed to the championship games.  Folks at BVB.....probably want him but the salary is a problem.

3.  Has wind generator placement peaked in Germany?  N-TV did a piece and basically suggests that since's leveled-out.  

4.  Things are heating up over the Cum-ex banking scandal and Chancellor Scholz.  Some hearing to be held this AM with Scholz providing more details of what he might know.

Focus did a decent report over this.

If any of his details don't match up....the odds increase for him to resign from the Chancellor job.  

5.  This hype BS over a deal that might be worked out....Russia getting the services of 100,000 North Korean soldiers....discussed in the AM over at Focus.

Maybe in Russia, people believe the BS, but the majority of people think it would be crazy.  The place where the 100,000 would be placed?  Opposite the Baltic states....not in the Ukraine.  Or at least, as the story goes.

I think it's a bit comical, but there's a lot of fake news out of Moscow right now, and I'd regard this as a 5-star fake story.  

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