Monday, August 22, 2022

What Is The Russian National Republican Army (NRA)?

 Well....this is the general story, and my BS-meter is running around a '5' on this story.

Starting out early this year.....this NRA group decided that it was time to depose Putin.

They claim that they are a 'underground' group and feel that Putin is a war criminal.  

Nationalists?  Yeah.....they claim this as part of their theme. 

Numbers?  No one has any idea.  It might be 10 might be a thousand. 

Could they be a creation of Putin or his inner circle?  Yeah, this is possible.

If you ask me....this car-bombing over the weekend of Putin's 'idea-guy's' daughter....just seems awful scripted.  

NRA....just a fake creation?  I'd say it's a 50-50 chance of that..

If it were real?  Well....I'd start to look at the Oligarch crew around Putin, and their safety concerns.  I'd make it a priority to kill someone associated with them each week.  

Creating a wave of terror among the elite of Moscow?  Yeah.  

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