Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ticket Chatter

 I saw this on travel news in Germany.

There's a discussion going on about airline tickets bought in Germany, and a new way of 'paying'.

So, normally, if you travel by air.....you pay the full ticket price at the time of reservation being made.

With all the crap of this summer....cancelled flights in the mix.....there's some folks suggesting a plan an end to full-ticket situations.

They want some type of down payment, and you (as the airline) would only get the full price....at the counter as you board.

Oh yeah....it's a rough practice they are suggesting.

What's said is that the airlines are getting a interest-free loan, and while they used to perform at high levels.....that's not the case today.

Odds of this idea passing?  I would say it's less than 20-percent.  However, if the EU were to pick this up....I'd say the odds improve to 70-percent.  The airlines?  Oh, they won't like this idea at all.

Is it bad enough to rig up this idea?  Up until this summer, I'd say NO.  In the past decade, I've only had one flight end up cancelled on me....here in Europe.  Course, in the past three months....there's a lot of negativity brewing on flights and airports.  

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