Thursday, June 13, 2024

14 June 2024: Eight German News Stories

1. It was an odd day in the Bundestag yesterday (13 June) they sat and debated over the issue of how to deport problem-asylum seekers.  They pretty much all agreed....if you were a criminal, you need to get into some line to be deported.

Beyond the talk?  Nothing much.  If you were looking for a hyped-up topic for the 2025 federal election?  Well....yeah, this continued lack of progress would get brought up.  

The fact that it's circling back around to just six or seven countries?  Yeah....that is an odd part of the discussion.  You don't find 'bad-boys' from Canada, Australia, the US, or New Zealand.  

One curious story I saw on N-TV.....NRW Prime Minister Wüst is asking the Chancellor in a direct statement....can't you get a 'deal' with the Taliban of Afghanistan to simply take back 'problem-people'?  He didn't say bribing them, but that's probably the only way that idea would work.

2.  N-TV brought up the ten European Championship stadiums around Germany where fans will be showing up view games and drink beer....within the stadium controlled party-area.  

So they brought up what a half a liter of beer (Bitburger, one of the lesser beers I'd recommend) will be costing SEVEN Euro. Also a 3-Euro cup deposit is involved.

I brought this up to the German wife....who remarked....what German would drink half a liter of Bitburger....for 7 Euro?   At a normal pub?  You'd probably get a half-liter of Bitburger for 4 to 4.5 Euro.  

3.  Weather to affect the European soccer Championship?  

It's just an odd June....daily temperature for my valley has not gone past 24 C (75 F) for daylight hours.  Last night, it got down to 8 C (46 F).  There hasn't been a single hot day for 2024 yet.

4.  For 30 years, we've had a understanding in Germany of burying underground electrical cables.  In the past couple of months....the CDU/CSU parties have stood up and said one way to cut to halt underground cables, and go back to hanging cables above the surface.

5. WELT had a piece yesterday....talking up an odd strategy....accepting 3-million Russians.

So the strategy goes this way....because of the war and impending taxes....a lot of Russians have already left, but the belief is that some door might open and MORE Russians (say 3-million) would pack and go.

Positive?  Well....there's the talk of a brain-drain where university-grad Russians would be fussy to stay.  Could Germany take on half-million Russians?  That's an interesting question.

6. ZDF (public TV, Channel 2) did a poll....asking Germans if they want a new fed election (schedule presently for fall of 2025).  Answer?  Approximately 50-percent said yes...NOW.

If this early election were to occur?  I'd say there's no doubt that the CDU/CSU Parties would get near 30-percent, but how the coalition would work?  No idea.

7.  Interesting piece(here) by Focus on EU election results (last Sunday) and talking over the Green Party's numbers (11-percent).

Someone spent a lot of time (probably going on for several months) to analyze public feelings for the Green Party.  What the analysis leads to?  From 2019 voters for the German Green Party.....they figure that roughly one out of three voters (minimum) have walked away from the Green Party permanently....meaning it may take a decade or regain them.

I would offer additional analysis...that the 2019 election (much higher numbers for the Green Party) was just a fluke, and that they got a lot of disgruntled SPD-voters.  

8.  First game of Euro Cup soccer games today....Scotland versus Germany (21:00).  Yeah, kinda late. 

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