Tuesday, June 18, 2024

19 June 2024: Eight German News Stories

1.  So, there's aa dead body that washed up near Mainz, and they ID'ed the body....15-year old girl from the Worms region (down the river).  

Cops on this?  Well....yeah, and they've detained the parents (Afghan couple).  What is said is that the girl had some life-style 'issue' and they saw this as a problem, and they murdered the daughter.

Odds of this getting public reaction?  Well....yeah, I'd say this is going to be openly discussed and just be more of a negative note on migration.

2.  Building permits chaos?  WELT says for the 24th straight month....it's been on a negative spiral in Germany.

3.  Golf-ball size hail seen in Berlin and NRW yesterday.

4.  Piece on N-TV yesterday afternoon....on 'forced-marriages' in Germany.  Story Here.

So, the story goes....in 2022, the cops figured out around 67 cases.  In their mind, there are likely a lot more that simply get missed.

5.  Ford Germany talking up job cuts.

6.  Yesterday, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Germany's FBI) decided to classify climate activists as "certainly left-wing extremists". This means they are on a list to be watched or surveilled.

Problem?  Well...the same group is fairly connected to the Green Party....so there's odds  here that members of the party might be caught up in the surveillance.

7.  Federal Prosecutor General Jens Rommel has gone over the knife assault/murder in Mannheim (from 2 weeks ago), and  identifies it to be a special case.  Difference?  ZERO evidence of this being a Islamist-influenced attack. So far....not a single bit of evidence leading to jihadist activities.

Based on accounts I've read....the guy seemed to be unbalanced.  

8.  Interesting opinion piece in WELT....which I'd recommend a read if you can find today's newspaper....written by Franziska Zimmerer.  Topic?  German teens aren't blue-haired, vegan or Green (Party) types.

What she drills down into....shocker....a fair sum of youth voters (age 16 to 18) vote right-wing....not left-wing as people kept predicting.  

I might agree that if you had a hundred juvenile German voters....somewhere around a third of them will be on the right-side of the spectrum.  Depending on location ....particularly on the eastern side of the county, it might get up to two-third of them fit into this category.

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