Wednesday, June 19, 2024

20 June 2024: Eight German News Stories

 1.  “Imagine if there were only white players” was the quote yesterday by the Green  Party VP Katrin Göring-Eckardt.  Quote came after German win in the Euro Cup series yesterday.  Fair amount of criticism on how it was spoken.

Statement was deleted around an hour later.

2.  Putin's visit to North Korea?  It's been over 50 years since a Russian/Soviet leader has visited.  So there are various interpretations about the visit.

Most analysts believe it's a deal-making situation....where rockets, artillery shells an ammo will be manufactured and sold to Russia...with natural gas and oil going to North Korea.  Maybe the intention is that they keep x-amount, and re-sell on the market.

North Korea capable of being a big producer of hardware?  Well....maybe they convinced themselves of this legendary 'status'. 

Some folks suggest that manpower (ground troops) might be 'bought' in some way, and that you end up with several thousand North Korean troops in the Ukraine war.

3.  Interior Minister of the sixteen states are meeting this week.  Statement from yesterday....deportations of disapproved asylum seekers must not be hindered by the court system.  

Simply a statement of negativity about the federal law.....Bundestag would have write a law limiting rights.

More topics?  Well....yeah, they want a public-training program on how to react in a war-like emergency.

They also noted that a secure communications ability should exist with the federal government across all of a war-scenario. 

Lot of talk centered on 'war'?  Yeah.  Lot more fear of Russia than existed before 2022.  

4.  Budenheim region (Pfalz state).....had a transformer explosion.  Electricity out....some suggestions that this will take 24 to 48 hours before power is fully restored (affecting around 9,000 homes in the region).  

5.  The murder of that 15-year old daughter of Afghan parents (parents are figured to have killed her over 'lifestyle' issues...takes a twist.  Daughter  was living with mom at one residence....father at a different  residence. Police say that the father had a criminal record....bodily harm, domestic violence.

6.  Amazon says they will invest 10-billionn Euro into their operation in Germany....building up the 'cloud', and adding more jobs.

7.  Emma, the mattress-maker in Germany, laying off 200 workers.  They make premium mattresses. 

8.  Hessen state government officials held a meeting over at the Wiesbaden US Army post.

Discussions?  Nothing to do with the post.  

Several topics....there is to be " civil-military cooperation " ensure a rapid and coordinated response in an emergency.  They didn't specify what type of emergency.

Another topic....more weapon-free zones to be created...meaning that they will mark the areas and allow cops to roam and ask you for a frisk (within certain hours).   Wiesbaden was first community in Germany to start the weapons-free area.  

State police have also asked for the start-up of ankle-monitoring systems....if you have people on a certain watch-list.

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