Friday, June 21, 2024

Q-and-A: The Youth Voting Chaos Within Germany?

 1.  How big a deal was the voting results from the EU election two weeks ago?

For roughly two years....the SPD, Greens and Linke Party (left)....believed that this wonderful day would come where the 16/17 year old vote would occur, and they'd likely take 90-percent of the vote. can pretty much divide it 50/50, saying that the CDU, FDP and AfD took half, and in the eastern side of the was a serious number that voted for the AfD (the far right folks).

2.  What went wrong?

The assumption for the last year or two.....with the effort of public TV (the ARD channel for youth), social media, the message/theme, and trends....would bring this massive vote to the front of the left....failed.

3. Did German public TV miss their opportunity?

FUNK was designed to be this streaming video service....compliments of ARD (public TV) and would attract teenagers.  

Around a year ago, I checked can load any of their offerings.

So, I'd say about 60-percent is entertainment, movies, or sports.  The rest is news designed for teenagers....public forums....or theme/message projects.  Yeah, they do try hard to format some political theme.  But the problem is.....most teenagers prefer stuff you'd see off Amazon or Netflex.  Yeah, they don't care so much for in-depth political BS.

4.  Does this worry the political elite over the fall 2025 fed election?

I would say if you were in the Green Party or probably are discounting extra votes coming your way, and the AfD folks probably will take in the 15-percent or more of the vote.

Getting the youth vote back?  You'd have to find some political topic other than the environment or social causes.

5.  Doesn't this force some migration policy?

Most of the parties hoped that the EU efforts were 'enough'.   Thinking that the SPD would lead the nation to another level  of immigration mostly fantasy.

6.   Just how many 16/17 year old voters in Germany exist?

Roughly one-million.  From the 2021 election.....46-million Germans turned if you added the new voters.....there should be in the range of 47-million.

7. Statistically, is there an odd draw for the youth vote?

VOLT....a minor party....took a fair sum of the youth vote, especially in western states of Germany.  It's possible they may see their chance here....push for more social media messaging, and take near 5-percent of the  vote. I perceive that the Linke Party will not be a big factor in this 2025 election.  

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