Sunday, June 23, 2024

Tourism Story

 Spain has a population of 48-million.  If you didn't know.....around 1.9-million of this group....has a job in some way connected to tourism.

I've made four vacations into Spain since 1984.  If you asked me the selling point of trips to Spain?  It comes down to three key elements: great weather, 4-star hispidity, and a historical matter where you go.

So I opened up Spanish news this AM, and here is this story over Barcelona. The city of Barcelona intends to ban all holiday apartments.

What's driving this?  Really.....too much success.

Between the crowd-flow, heavy traffic, ongoing water issues,  and mass tourism....the city says there has to be some limit.

So when 2029 comes around....the license to rent out homes/apartments?  It comes to an end.

If you are a tourist?  You will either stay in a hotel, or find a rentable home/apartment outside of the city.

The odds that the hotel crowd pushed this? can't really discount that idea.

Fixing crowd-flow, heavy traffic, or ongoing water issues?  Well....NO.

It is kinda funny....carving out the B&B rentals and such....telling the public that you are fixing something.....when you simply are telling the public some BS solution....that makes a ton of money for amusing.

My advice?  Barcelona has a five-star public transportation system....that extends well out of the city....beyond the controlled area.  So if you want a decent apartment to rent for 2 weeks and a goal to enjoy the beyond the controlled area and use mass transit. 

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