Tuesday, June 11, 2024

EU Chatter

 Focus went and had a long piece written up over the idea of the EU ban on gas cars coming (2035). Worth a read HERE.

So there's the odd thing....the experts now believe with the new incoming membership of the EU....there's going  to be a long discussion over the ban, and they suspect it'll be taken down within a year.

I'll make four observations here:

1.  All of the German car companies will tell you that they've put a billion Euro each into the E-car design and technology.  If you reverse your way out of the ban.....the companies and stock-holders probably will be fairly hostile. 

2.  Fair amount of evidence that E-car purchases peaked in 2023.  Those wanting the technology.....probably have found enough limitations to reflect upon the future.  You rarely see interviews with people on the idea if they will  stick with it.

3.  Just odd.....all of the car companies in Germany have a lessening production schedule on gas/diesel cars.  All of them had a plan to lessen production and lessen manpower. 

4.  If the EU stops the ban business....I kinda wonder what happens to the Green Party 'push' and if the same thought process goes toward the heat-pump folks....stopping that trend as well.

I've done two test-drives of E-vehicles, and  spent a whole day in Munich at a solar energy tech show.  Yeah, I've asked about sixty questions (along with my wife) and gotten the whole landscape of how it'd fit into my life.  And  in the end....the only way it'd make sense is if I put panels on the house,  and scored on my own power generation.  The cost factor?  I kept coming back to the same story....about every 15 years....I'd have to get new batteries (for the house/car) and replace the panels.  Maybe at age 50, it'd make sense if this were a one-time deal.....but once you said  a 15-year cycle and repeating it....no, I just wouldn't sign onto that.

My final pitch?  If the EU unbans gas/diesel vehicles?  You just wonder....what else were they wrong about over the past decade.

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