Sunday, June 16, 2024

Explaining Three Lesser Known Political Parties From Germany

 I often throw political party names around, and most are well-known types.  So today....I'll explain three of the lesser folks:

1.  BSW Party (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht).

So the party came out of thin air in early 2024, and naturally...named after former Linke Party member....Sahhra Wagenknecht.  Presently, she's the figure-head of the party, and if I were ranking her....she's been known around Germany for a dozen years.

My description of BSW?  It's about 50-percent far-left, 25-percent left-of-center, and 25-percent right-of-center.  Yeah, it is  bit confusing.

They will tell you they want limits to migration....but the number is never mentioned.  They want fairness in pay scales, but the dividing line is rarely discussed.  They want lesser support for Ukraine, and an end to the war.....without saying they are pro-Putin.  They want massive investment in education and job training, with more potential jobs to be created....while taxing companies more.  They are very careful about talking over the environment....avoiding the discussion as much as possible.

Who would they take votes from?  That's an interesting question....mostly from the old Linke Party (I'd say they are dying presently), an possibly from the Green Party.  For the fall 2025 federal election?  I would imagine they might be able to get around 8-to-10 percent of votes.  In eastern German states....for state elections?  They might be able to turn 15-to-18 percent of individual eastern state numbers.  

Monthly appearances on public TV  forum shows with Wagenknecht?  That's the selling point....she get invited to at least one forum every month, and she is bright/clever and capable at debates.  

2.  VOLT Party

VOLT came around in 2018 (spring) and was designed as a party with a limited number of talking points (pro-EU....meaning they want their structure to pass tough legislation, CO2 - neutral, heavy investment in digitalization, and creating measures to combat racism and anti-Semitism).

In effect, designed to a great degree for ages 16 to 25.

Prior to the June 2024 election....I figured they would never get past 1-percent of the national voting.  They actually got 2.6-percent in this election and could possibly build up on that for the fall federal election of 2025....yeah, maybe getting up around 5-percent of the vote (taking from the Greens).

3.  Die PARTEI.

Basically a group of voters who are cynical/sarcastic and not taking politics serious.  A group of comedians?  Yeah.

In this EU election....they took 1.9-percent of the German vote.

They will never get a invitation to a TV public forum....I suspect....because of their inability to take any subject serious.  If they were'd probably flip 10-percent of society over to them....because Germans would realize how screwed up the whole system is.

1 comment:

Daz said...

1. Yeah, her advertising is about as childish as it gets. Peace, or war? It may as well be Dead Puppies or Ice Cream!?

The Partei has the best ever campaign posters.