Wednesday, June 5, 2024

5 June 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Markus Lanz public forum show (live) was on last night (ZDF, public TV, Channel 2).  I'll just say it was a hyped-up discussion over the Mannheim terror attack, and a lot centered on radicalization.  At some point, one of the guests suggested that the 'speed' begs questions.   

From my prospective, they've (the police) have yet to get anything out of the motivation is unknown.

2.  WELT piece this AM.....talking over teachers finding that students (16/17 years old) really aren't that interested in the EU election coming up....yet they can vote.  

I would offer the prospective that fake-promises in politics make young people very skeptical of the 'game'.

3.  One of the fascinating pieces of the bankrupt FTI episode going on (the 3rd largest tour/travel company in Europe) that they are parent company of the travel shopping channel Sonnenklar.TV, 

In an average year, I probably watch about 8 hours of Sonnenklar....which gives you hotel ideas.  I never used them though....other than to get ideas on locations/hotels.

4.  The CDU Party wants to set up a 'truth-committee of inquiry' into how the SPD-Green-FDP government came to its decision on nuclear power in 2022.

Reason?  A number of statements in the past couple of months indicate that various factors were pushed, and various factors were forbidden to discuss.   

Odds of a inquiry with the SPD?  Zero.  But I could see a commission existing after the next fed election (fall 20225) 

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