Saturday, June 29, 2024

29 June 2024: Nine German News Stories

 1.  Just plain utter shock over German public/commercial news groups over Biden-Trump poorly Biden did.

Some now openly discussing how bad it'll be once Trump 'returns'.

2.  AfD Party (right-wing folks) holding a party meeting in Essen over the weekend. City expecting 80k counter-protest folks....figures some violence to occur.

3.  Maybrit Illner public forum show occurred Thursday  Discussion over Covid actions, and a lot of criticism was uttered over how things were handled.  

I'll just say that ALL Germans have a view and most get to a very harsh position.

4.  Alfons Schuhbeck is a fairly well-known cook in Germany.   Had a couple of restaurants.  At some point, in early part of Covid-era....he started to take money out of the cash register....not reporting income to the German tax system.  Well....he got caught, and ended up in prison.

New allegations coming up...possibly more jail-time.

I've read a fair amount of his problems.  Lot of restaurant managers/cooks.....lost tons of money in the Covid era, and get no sympathy from the government.  Wouldn't shock me if 90 percent of managers cheated on income levels/taxes to survive.  

5.  Honor-killing story over the 15-year old  Muslim girl murdered supposedly by parents here in Germany....getting a fair amount of attention.

Friend of the dead teenager says that the mother at some  point spoke to the girl  and said: "I hope you die."

Manslaughter charges being discussed.

6.  Foreign Minister Baerbock (Green Party) hired up a professional make-up artist back in the summer of far spending from gov't funds around 135,000 Euro.  Lot of criticism being discussed over the the expense.

7.    Lot of warning going on for extreme rain/hail for Saturday evening in Germany.  Cool front arriving then....dumping temperature back down to 21 C for next week.

8. Hot topic of murder in Bad Oeynhausen.....chief suspect refuses to say anything.  Interior Minister made a comment over the situation...'failed social integration'.  

9.  Germany plays Denmark 16-level series starts.

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