Saturday, June 1, 2024

Five Questions Over This Mannheim Terror Attack?

 1.  Was this one single Afghan involved in the attack on some 'watch-list'?

No.....Hessen authorities indicate the guy hadn't made it to some list to 'watch'.  You might argue about this, but the Germans spend a lot of time browsing on discussion-pages and social media....and he had yet to say anything 'stupid'.

2.  Was there some proactive stuff to disturb the guy?

There was some type of anti-Islam speech was 'granted' in this market square. The German authorities (after the attack) made a few comments over the theme and message....maybe that they were inciting people.

I'm guessing for the next week....the discussion over inciting will be carried out.  

The problem have to define incitement and where it starts/ends.   In an average week in Germany these days....there's probably over a hundred forums, speeches, or protest events....where people might reach some level of incitement.

3.  What will happen to the Afghan attacker? next week, I expect some German judge to ask if he is 'sane', and sign him over to a 30-day exam situation with a mental hospital.

You might come up by find that the guy is labeled a 'nutcase', and then the question is....what will you do?  Sending him back to Afghanistan?  Not likely.  So you end up with a dangerous character in some German mental ward.

4.  Won't there be some worry discussed that there might be 500 asylum-nutcases like this in Germany at present?


In my case, as I applied for a simple visa to stay/ one ever asked questions or required a mental exam from verify I wasn't crazy.  Germans have always been rather straight-forward.....we don't care if you are crazy.

You can argue it's typically not necessary, but it'll be dragged out for public discussion.

5.  Finally, are there a lot of events like this one in Mannheim?

NO.  If you browse German newspapers (as much as I do)....I'd say you might only find two or three events like this per year across the country.  The pool-brawl business?  Well....much more likely and likely happening five to ten times each summer  month....but I don't see anyone hyped-up or worried about those.

The fact that it's always young men, and NOT young women?  Well....yeah, it is an odd part of the trend.  I suspect if you asked 100 Islamic young ladies between 15 and 25....none of them are carrying knives...ever.  Nor do you see young Islamic women in some form of rage.  

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