Thursday, June 27, 2024

If There Were A Federal German Election Now?

 Officially, on the books, unless a failure of the coalition's September of 2025 for the next federal election in Germany.

Where polls stand today?

CDU-CSU would win with around 31-percent of the national vote.

AfD (the right-wing guys) would place 2nd with 17.5-percent.

The SPD and Greens?  14.5 and 11.5-percent....meaning they'd take around a quarter of the national votes (probably half  of 2021's vote).

The FDP?  Marginally there with 5-percent.

The new BSW Party?  8.5-percent.

The coalition problem?  There's not enough votes for the CDU-CSU to lead they have to partner.  With the SPD alone?  I doubt if it'd reach 50-percent or there would have to be a 3rd partner....probably the FDP.

If the FDP failed to get 5-percent?  This is the tricky scenario.....I doubt if the CSU Party wants to discuss a partnership with the Greens.  

If you think things are complicated just gets worse.

Things changing in a year?  Lot of people think BSW will eventually get around 12-percent.....taking votes off the Greens and SPD.   

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