Saturday, June 8, 2024

Volunteer Force Support Dwindling?

 WELT did a poll, and a majority of Germans now end the volunteer status of the German Army.  I would say the past dozen years have been an experiment in progress, with the Bundeswehr recruitment guys having problems.

Chief cause?  There's not that much that they could offer....other than  job  training and a basic pay structure.  It's not like the US where tens of thousands could be offered for college incentive.  

The problem now?  How they would reflect upon the mess, and introduce a new conscription deal....where you have no choice at age'd have to sign up and do 'something'.  

Where this goes?  I expect three options on the table: (1) the military path for 15 to 18 months...(2) The TH folks who do emergency civil engineering projects...where you'd probably get a 1-year deal.....(3) some type of medical 'help' organization where you'd sign up for two years of part-time or weekend status.

This being challenged in court?  OH YES.  

Something that won't be discussed by the SPD or Greens?  I'd say on the Green Party side....this idea won't be discussed.  On the SPD'll be split 50-50, with a fair sum of left-voters saying that something has to change or improve.

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