Monday, June 10, 2024

NO-GO Chatter

 I sat yesterday...reading a Bloomberg business report....talking over Frankfurt (business capital of Germany), the upcoming Euro-Cup games there, the crime  and drug situation near the train station in town, and how it's a NO-GO area.

I'm not really going to argue against the piece (Brit journalism).

This chaos around the station has been brewing since the Wall came down.  You could walk though....shuffle through the subway area of the station, and each'd notice another downward trend.

Around ten years ago....locals got fed up and put heat on the city council.....with them reacting and finally getting police action going on.  About every month or two....there's a clean-up that occurs.  Forty-odd drug dealers will be hauled dealers are recruited, and a hundred-odd users are urged to get 'cleaned-up'.  Yeah, it's scripted and the public knows the deal.

My advice....if you were British and  attending the games yourself a favor and just stay at hotels outside of Frankfurt.  Don't go drinking in Frankfurt itself, and don't hangout around the station....waiting to be robbed or assaulted.

There are plenty of good hotels in Darmstadt, Wiesbaden or Mainz.....all with decent pubs or bars.  All have easy connections to the stadium area.

As for the script for the week prior to the games started?  I would imagine at least 100 dealers are detained and jailed for a minimum of a month, with 500 dopers told to vacate the station region for a while.  It'll seem 'cleaned-up'....even if it goes away after the games.

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