Monday, June 3, 2024

Just An Odd Factor On Dehydration (Especially Repeated Episodes)

 So lets say over a one-month period of the go and intentionally dehydrate yourself.  You think it's acceptable to dehydrate for 12 to 15 hours at a time....over and over.

Does that trigger mental issues?


As you go eight to twelve hours without'll cause a decrease in serotonin.  

What does a loss of serotonin do?

Well...this leads to a couple of start having sleep issues. You start to have digestive issues.  You start triggering phobias to occur....where you irrationally fear certain things, or perceive a a fake reality.  You trigger depression. Panic attacks and anxiety disorders pop up.   You start to have suicide ideas.

Unable to focus and concentrate?  Oh yeah.  You do stupid things without use of common sense, or seeing a balanced reality.

So people regularly dehydrate themselves on purpose?  Well....they are creating a little Frankenstein problem for the rest of society.  They would bring themselves to go and harm someone, without much control. 

Just a bit of thought and suggestion.

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