Thursday, June 27, 2024

27 June 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  Interesting piece out of Focus....public prosecutors out of Cottbus and Berlin....investigating German Foreign Ministry.  Accusation?  The Ministry gave orders that consulates//embassy staff around the world  could accept what was perceived as fake/fraudulent papers from people wanting asylum. 

What they say?  Several thousand people over 5 years....have entered with fake papers.

Criminal act?  Well....if a memo or order'll be tough to avoid court action.

My humble guess?  You might find this goes back further than five years....deep into the Merkel era.

One key element of this story?  Well....fake identities seem to be a key feature of the fraudulent papers.  Not fully explained yet, but it will be curious why they presented themselves as someone else. 

2.  WELT piece: survey done with Germans....70-percent of society say that the 'state' is overwhelmed by the two issues....migration and education. 

Part of the issue....I'll just that between the news and social media....there's plenty of evidence presented weekly....on marginal accomplishments and crappy decision-making.  

3.  Knife fight last night in Stuttgart after the Czech-Turkey soccer game.  3 wounded.  This was in the fan-mile area near the stadium.  

4.  N-TV carried a rather long  piece discussing the France election business, and how....if a far-right win occurs....will create massive problems for Germany to counter.  

5.  Massive water main break in Wiesbaden yesterday morning.  Six-lane street in front of the train station....key to major traffic flow....shut-down to fix damage.  Some talk of the shut-down being a minimum of a week....maybe up to 2 weeks.  Main arterially for bus and car traffic.

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