Friday, June 14, 2024

15 June 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  I'm 'old-school' and still tend to take the car over for a car-wash....a couple of times in the winter-period because of salt use on the roads here in Germany.

I use one particular car-wash in Wiesbaden.

This week....I noted it in the newspaper....some German guy was using this same car-wash (eastern side of town), and his gas-pedal got 'stuck'.  By the time the vehicle got stopped....100k Euro of damage done to the car-wash, and it'd totaled-out the car.

Fixing the place?  Based on the text written....I'd say it'll be at least three months of work to get everything back in working order. 

2.  The wife and I went out to a premium-German-style  burger shop in town last night.  Pricing?  Well....for what you'd consider a  premium burger, with fries and a bottled water ran about 17 Euro each ($18.30).

Two years ago, it would have been 25-percent less.

3. Munich news.....significant number of Brits/Scots were in Munich the past couple of days for last night's soccer game (Germany won...5-1).   At some point of the beer gardens actually ran out of beer, and shut down for a while until they got a delivery. 

4. Heat wave facing eastern side of Germany over the next couple of days (approaching 36 C or 97 F).  What the weather guy says....just a lot of storm activity is to occur.

5. Putin gave a speech yesterday....saying 700,000 Russian soldiers are on the front in Ukraine.  

I'll just say that a fair amount of analysts don't believe the number.  

6.  I was watching N-TV news and the topic of dysfunctional railway toilets (onboard the trains) came up.

According to the 2023 numbers....around 12-percent of the regional trains operated....with a broke toilet.  The inter-city (fast) trains?  It came close to 4-percent.

Of the top five reasons that I'm hesitant about riding a German train....this is on  the list (along with broke AC unit, delayed trains, over-crowded conditions, and crappy dining cars).  

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