Monday, June 3, 2024

3 June 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Added update on the Mannheim terror attack.  Prosecutor has up attempted murder charges (5) against the guy involved (25-year old Afghan guy who'd been in Germany 11 years).

So I looked at the list of folks attacked (5 of them).  Three of the wounded are Germans.  Oddly, one is a Iraqi, and the other is a Kazakh-German citizen.

The cop wounded in the episode?  He was pronounced dead yesterday.

Police talking to the  knife-guy?  From the gunshot wound....he's been 'out' since delivered to the hospital.

If you ask me personally....I'd say some mental eval will occur, and he's deemed with a mental issue.  

2.  Wiesbaden opened up a summer beer-garden operation on the walk-platz yesterday.  

3.  127 cars opened up the 24-hour race scheduled for this weekend (Saturday) at the Nürburgring. 

About 12 hours into it....race halted because of fog.

4.  If you can find a copy of WELT from yesterday....interesting piece written by Harold Martenstein.  Topic?  "This mood is the fault of politicians who are not doing their job."

Yeah, it's a pretty tough criticism piece over politicians in Germany who are watching issues develop with migration and lagging behind on re-enforcing standards.

Somewhere in the first paragraph....he writes: "Helplessness and uncertainty are spreading."

I'll just say from an outsider prospective....a  majority of Germans are grumbling over safety issues and someone down the line has to take the blame.

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