Tuesday, June 18, 2024

18 June 2024: Four German News Stories

 1.  Something I didn't know....Focus told the story this AM....knife-assault statistics in Germany...ONLY started in 2021.  Prior to that....the German government never kept numbers.

2.  Weather warning given for Friday across most of Germany....heat-wave, hail and lot of lightning strikes predicted.

3.  German federal police went and deported a Afghan family into Poland.  Confusing story.  Would appear that they came into Germany via Poland....were stopped and  then launched into a asylum request, where the police said 'no'....you were supposed to do this in the  first country you arrive at in the EU.  Event got a fair amount of attention by the Polish President...in that it wasn't 'right' for Poland to get stuck in this situation.

4.  Greece to introduce a 6-day work-week, and allow a Greek citizen to work up to 13 hours a day.   

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