Tuesday, June 4, 2024

4 June 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  One odd update on the Mannheim terror act (4 wounded, 1 dead).  The Afghan knife-guy?  When he arrived in 2013....he applied for asylum in Germany.  Around a year later, the application had been completed and denied.  He was supposed to leave at that point, but never did.  Authorities haven't openly discussed this part of the story or why he was refused.  What they apparently did...was simply give him a continuance....year after year.

What'll likely get dragged out is that there are probably tens of thousands of denied applicants residing in Germany.  Even if you noted a thousand of them as 'radicals' or a threat....getting them sent out is next to impossible.  

One additional footnote....the SPD Party is talking about a knife-free zone in most urbanized zones of Germany.  What this would mean?  The German cops would have the ability to just walk up to you....ask for an ID, and demand to frisk you (with no reason).  Whether this would be accepted or not....questionable.  Wiesbaden, for the record, has this rule in effect for one particular area of town, for a set time (evening).  In the Wiesbaden use of the law....if you are found with a knife....it's a hefty amount of a fine.

2.  Danube River in Passau exceeds nine-meter mark...in terms of flooding.

3.  German travel company FTI is bankrupt, officially....today (4 June).  If you had tickets with them.....you probably can get some portion of the money back, but I doubt if you get 100-percent.

4.  I noticed via WELT this AM....chatter over the idea of flood protection.

Bavarian chatter...if necessary, land would be expropriated (taken by the government and the owner compensated) to create protected areas. 

There's an area east of Mainz which has 'pockets' of farm land that you could lead flood waters into it, and simply 'store' the water until a later time to 'dump'.  My old village in Kaiserslautern did some like this....I always referred to it as a 'flood-pond'.

5. Some odd EU campaign poster has appeared in Berlin....mandating a 'price-cap' for kebabs (the Turkish food).  I think it was done in humor.  Cap price?  3.50 Euro.

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