Sunday, June 30, 2024

30 June 2024: 3 German News Stories

 1.  Another stabbing story....out of Kaiserslautern.  Dead guy: 64-year-old German.  Accused?  20-year-old female (no nationality given).

All the police say....late Friday the walkway of the train station....this encounter occurred.  Police can't even say that the two knew each other.  Female turned herself in around an hour or two later (Landstuhl). 

More to come on Monday.

2.  German Army went out in 2023 and paid for two 'spy' satellites.  Once in space....the antenna-arm was supposed to extend. never worked.  So the hype is finished....neither is useful.

3.  Development Minister Schulze (SPD) is calling or a global tax on billionaires.  So it wouldn't matter where you hung your hat.  

Use of the money?  Well....she says hunger and climate change.

Odds of this ever happening? Zero.

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