Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Eight Significant Facts Over The 1919 German Election

 1.  For those who didn't know....this was the first national election since January 1912, and it was the first where the influence of the Kaiser was null and void.

2.  The SPD (left-of-center) Party will win the election with around 38-percent of the vote (in the range of 4.25-million votes).  They will partner up with the German Democratic Party (DDP) and the Catholic Centre Party.

3.  Who could vote?  Men and women (the female vote law came into play after November 1918).  If you were on 'poverty-status' or in jail....you didn't have a right to vote.  Age requirement?  Oddly enough.....20 (prior to this election, it'd been set at 25).

4.   Approximately 18 parties participated.

5.  Oddly enough, the Communist Party of Germany boycotted the election....believing it was unfair.

6.  Turn-out?  83-percent of the registered voters showed up.

7.  If you were a Austrian citizen....living in Germany legally....you had the right to vote in this election.

8.  Philipp Scheidemann would be the first Chancellor under this term....lasting roughly 130 days....quitting because of inability to bring the cabinet to decisions.  

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