Tuesday, June 25, 2024

26 June 2024: Ten German News Stories

 1.  Frankfurt police have reported murder charges coming up.  45-year-old German guy murdered (Friday) on the eastern side of town (north side of the river).....by a 26-year-old Transwoman.  Beyond the identification and age of the two....the police are trying to avoid any other commentary.

Oddly, it's generated a fair amount of social media commentary.  I doubt if you will hear another word about this murder until you get to the court case next year.  

2.  Murder at the Frankfurt airport from 2011 settled...German court found a Kosovo-Albanian man guilty (Friday afternoon case concluded).  This was the episode where the shooter boarded a US military bus parked just outside of the Airport terminal, and shot several folks (2 American Airmen dead).

3.  German gov't says there's a 8.8-billion Euro 'hole' existing with renewable energy.  Likely to be a new energy tax invented out of thin-air.  

4.  Some lower than expected number out of the 2022 Census for the population....growth didn't occur.

5.  Is German TV summer-dead at present?

Typically, for about 8 weeks...especially on public TV and to a lesser extent commercial TV....they go to what I'd  describe as 'dead-status'....meaning nothing new is shown, public forums don't occur, and usually the only excitement is live-soccer or the Olympics. 

Someone this week within Focus....added up the off-period...saying that it's closer to 12 week of a summer-dead season this year.

Then the topic came up....the only way to really generate hype for the political parties....is public forum chat shows....where you invent a problem or mess, then bring on some political folks to to explain how they can solve this mess.

Well...the suggestion is that the SPD is getting hurt a good bit, and the dead-season is harming public status for the party.

Why this topic comes up?  Well....there's continual chatter of a gov't  collapse coming up, and the SPD is missing a golden opportunity to hype their theme/message. 

6.  End of the Germany 49 Euro rail ticket (monthly deal)?

Well....the CDU Party in Hessen (my state) is openly saying it has to come to an end...sooner or later.  Causing a stir to mention this (SPD is still fully for it).

To make the 49-Euro ticket possible in this state....the government has turn in around 4-billion Euro extra.  

The reality here?  All of the sixteen states are putting money from their budget into this gimmick, to make it 49-Euro.  The truth is....the ticket  (monthly) should be near 65-Euro...maybe even 70-Euro.  

7.  Smoking cannabis around a school in Hessen?  Fine was set today....400 Euro, if you are within eye-sight of a school.

8.  Oropouche fever now noticed in Italy....likely to be seen within a year or two in Germany.  

Common?  NO.....mostly seen in the Caribbean.

What you typically get?  Serious fever (up to 104 F)....along with chills, headaches, dizziness, vomiting, serious joint pain, and rashes.

9.  Weather?  Today and Thursday....up to 30 C where I live (86 F)....not terrible heat but warm.  But some serious storms start to come through on Thursday.....with lightning predicted.  Then the next seven days?  All back down to a cool 21/22 degrees.  More rain into July?  At least five days out of the first dozen are predicted to be drizzle minimum.

10.  This week....30 years ago....Soviet troops pulled  out of old East Germany.  Lot of Germans still remember the period.  

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