Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Forum Chatter

Last night (Monday), the weekly forum show on ARD (public German TV, Channel 1) ran their 1-hour live show (Hart Aber Fair).  What I'll generally say....of all the forum shows....diving into political topics....it's probably best designed for regular people (working-class) to watch.

So the hype last night dwelled upon the EU election results from Sunday.

At some point, they bring on a German truck driver (Jan Labrenz).  I would guess the guy's age....about 45.  He jumped all over the politicians (both from the left and right)....at one point, saying they all seem  to look after themselves.

Then he said the thing I thought was impressive....suggesting 'politicians think they know what's going on here'.....then dismissing that idea....saying they aren't capable of grasping things.

The trucker then makes an assessment....that there are social disparities going on (dividing the public), increasing bankrupt business trends, serious inflation, and then he brings up an interesting topic dilapidated bridges around the nation.

On the bridges?  I can cite three bridges within 20 km of my village....that 'suddenly'  became 'broke' and closed off (the one over my hill to the next village....stayed in renovation mode for almost 4 years before it was re-opened).  All of these bridges built in the 1960s/1970s....are in serious need of work, and the state governments simply don't have the money to stay ahead of the ballgame.

But then the trucker brings up an interesting observation (I agree with totally)..."the threshold for irritation has become lower." 

Just walking around or traveling around Germany....you see problems....like in my case, I'll make the observation to the German wife....'isn't this fu*ked-up'?  She'll respond...yes, but the gov't hasn't the money to resolve this.  

It's like all the potholes in my village that I observed a couple of weeks ago, and last week....some patch-team came through.  They've done a street or two, but then moved on....the other 40-odd streets?   They will probably get some attention next year.  

The trucker's piece ended with the question posed to him....if he was in favor of a new election.  He was mostly negative about the election fixing anything. 

I'll just make the observation....the average German will tell you about forty-odd problems, and the political system isn't that advanced to fix all forty....so you get a menu selection deal.  You stomp your foot loudest on five or six problems....then leave the remainder on the table.  

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