Thursday, June 6, 2024

6 Jun 2024: Five German News Stories

 1.  Piece in newest issue of Spiegel by Rasmus Buchsteiner worth reading if you can find a copy.

Topic? 'Recommendation from government experts: Cellar instead of bunker.'

So the discussion laid out that the German authorities have gone through various scenarios and believe now that that they cannot have bunkers built in time for a anticipated Russia-Europe war.  So they are going to suggest to the public at some point in the near future....prepare basement rooms as shelters.

I paused over it and read it a second time.  

So what I'll say is that the Ukraine-Russia war has gone through various stages, and I will readily advocate that Russia is at a very weak point....probably having lost 200k men in the war, and their collection of tanks/APCs....are so weak, that they probably can't go invade anyone else.  What they do have left?  Nuke missiles.

The fact that NATO has edged itself closer to a confrontation?  It just wasn't in the script a year ago.'s pretty clear that some NATO action will occur. 

Most Germans (via their house or apartment) do have access to a basement area, and with some minor could turn a basement into a decent 'bunker'.  I looked over the house basement that we wouldn't take that much to convert to bunker-status.  

Introducing this, and laying out the objective?  Oh, I'd  say that well over 5-million Germans will not have the mental edge on this and probably will have stress/anxiety in their 'gut'.

A big deal?  If you said there were a dozen nuke missiles to be targeting something in Germany....I'd counter that 99-percent of the population would likely survive unless all of the dozen were used on population centers.  I'd suggest that the Russians would be a cost-value on each launched, and make daily life a bit more hitting oil refineries, natural gas distribution areas, and making ports unusable.  

I'm more likely to believe  a team of 200-odd Russians would simply lay out bombs throughout the country....taking out bridges, electrical production, and dams, thus avoiding nuke warfare.  

Just an odd conversation to have.

2.  Mannheim knife-guy still in poor physical shape, and has yet to be interviewed by the cops.

News media has interviewed one of the wounded Iraqi, who was all fired-up to get into the mess to halt the radical Muslim guy.....saying he'd jump right into another scuffle if required.  

3.  German court ordered the public TV folks to 'invite' BSW (the new party) to the EU round-table talks prior to the election.  News folks had said that BSW didn't have the numbers (polling says they will get a minimum of 6 percent).  ARD's 'Election Arena' is the name of the forum show.

4.  Today is the 6th of June....Normandy invasion day.  Within 24 hours after it could start the count-down and say that Germany had both a eastern and western front problem....with no possible outcome other than total surrender. That eastern front collapse?  It was already in progress back in Nov/Dec of 1943.

5.  WELT piece this AM by Daniel Zwick....'European car industry collapsing over the battle of E-cars'.

Basically, he sums up the losing trend, where the public just doesn't want E-cars, and the mandate to force them to longer will work.

Most all  of the car companies  have spent a minimum of 1-billion Euro each to prepare to be ONLY for E-cars in the future, and that loss of investment will be a big deal.

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