Monday, June 24, 2024

24 June 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1. Heat wave coming into my valley (Wiesbaden region).  Tuesday....getting up to 29 C (84 F).  It'll be the first time this entire year we cross the 28 C point.  

On my miserability index (1-to-10).....I'd still rate it near a '1'.  

Weird weather year?  Most moderate year I've ever seen in Germany.  My grass is 5-star....I've mowed almost every 9 days...plenty of rain to keep it thriving.  Last least three days that was too brisk to wear shorts/t-shirt.

2.  Purpose of the Vice-Chancellor's visit to China?'s now hyped-up to the max....Habeck is suddenly in a 'mess'...trying to prevent a tariff 'war' between not just Germany, but the EU itself and China.

A lot of this has to do with a massive amount of E-cars that China is trying to deliver into Europe.  

I've been shaking my head.  The freighters will unload tens of thousands of these Chinese-made E-cars....but I don't see there being any real potential to sell them.  The EU?  Worried like hell that this will screw up the economy.  Habeck is carrying an enormous amount of pressure on his shoulders.

3.  Curious piece (here) from Focus....dealing with Berlin and crime.  

The chief of police for Berlin (Barbara Slowik) says that there has to be stricter laws on weapons.  Slowik says the trend (from statistical data) shows the 'bad-boys'....getting younger.

She ended doing a interview with N-TV news...talking up the bump in knife attacks within the city.  Non-Germans?  Yeah....statistical shows that too.

4.  I was reading a piece....roughly 40,000 bridges exist on the German autobahn system.  Out of that....5,000 are in some need or repair, renovation, or replacement.  Funding-wise?  They think they have enough to do around 400 per  best.

5.  This attack on the Crimea over the weekend?  Ukraine fired off a US-made ATACMS rocket/missile.  Whatever the target missed and landed on a beach loaded with Russian tourists.  Result?   Appears like 151 were wounded, and around 80 were bad enough to get an ambulance run to a hospital.  

Based on Russian commentary?  Well...US-made missile and US-GPS in the Russia owes some retaliation.  Anyone's guess how this will go.

Added to this.....I read Twitter commentary from a Brit politician who'd  talked to Brit military analysts.....they say that there's a belief that some CIA-Ukraine plan to do a hoax 'dirty-bomb' in Europe....blaming Russia.   Reasoning, this would trigger NATO military action right before the US election. Some odd belief this would help Biden win, and some type of WW III action would  start  up.  Some BS likely here, but after the natural gas pipeline was blown up....people are more prone to discount hoax attacks now.

6.  Another knife-death in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Berlin)?  Well.....what the cops say is that they came upon s body near the Kottbusser Tor subway station, 

7.   Wolf attack near Paris?  What N-TV said this AM....French jogger out....encountered three wolves, who chased him.  Pretty serious wounds.

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