Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The Covid Certificate To Last Only Six Months

 There's apparently a discussion going on where the German government will redo the period of the be only six months.

Effect?  Well....the bulk of Germans (the under 60 crowd) started up in May of 2021.  So those at the front of this line....would have to immediately come up in December with another booster.  

The mechanism to handle this?  Originally, in each district, there were vaccination centers set up and the government's intention was that these 'bulk-centers' would handle the only problem existing.  Once done, the bulk-centers were shut down.

Who was supposed to take over the job then?  Private/public doctors.

So what'll happen?

You can run through various scenarios, but I would imagine by early December...the gov't will have stamped the certificates to only be good six months, and you get a whole new bulk-center program created for December-January-February.  Then to recreate this for June-July-August?  Probably.  

Manpower problems?  You are basically stealing manpower for regular medical practices to make this kind of vaccination program work.  

So expect 2022 to be just as chaotic as 2021.  

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